01 February 2011

Tutorial To Our Blog Can Be Detected by Google and Yahoo

* First, Improve your blog settings.
That is we must enhance our blog for visitors happy and want to be long on our blog, other than that in terms of color are also very influential. You do not put a contrasting color / tacky. Which can interfere with vision visitors.

* Second, it turns out the number of posts on the blog to affect too. The number of posts that a lot and the selection of a strike the post title, of course, will be presented to be number one in search engines. Therefore, multiply the post which is quality and also multiply multiply googling for references.

* Third, do submit url web site or our blog at Google's system and champion of the rival Yahoo, etc.. How to do? The trick, use the submit url below;

     www.submitexpress.com / submit.html
     www.search.yahoo.com / info / submit.html
     etc.. Please googling.

Attach META
How like this:
<meta name="robots" content="INDEX, FOLLOW">
<meta name="description" content="description of your blog here">
<meta name="keywords" content="store keywords here, make a few keywords that my friend consideredhighly related to your blog">

Writing in red must be tailored to your blog. 

* Fourth, for the fourth multiply is Blogwalking and comment, it is important also to include or leave a link to our blog. Like the tracks that will appear in any search results that form the link to our blog. It also proved effective for detecting the blog that has hijacked our blog content with a note of these blogs continue to include a link to our blog. 

Also keep in mind, the process began earlier than crawl until the index can take a baseball for a while depending on the system or the Google search engine itself. Could be one, two or three, a week or more. Most important have lots of patience and effort. 


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