24 January 2011

Download Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool 1.9

You would already know what is the use of the Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool 1.9 is not it? For those of you who already know, I beg permission to the temperature to support this article. Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic 1.9 used to see what kind of windows xp that we use is genuine or whether it is still blocked VLK.

How to use the Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool 1.9 is very easy, lets check the tutorial below:
1. Download this program microsoft genuine advantage diagnostic tool 1.9 nya.
2. Finished downloading the program, you open the software directly without having to be installed as a portable form.

3. If the validation status "Validation Control not Installed" means you need to first install WGA Plugin orWindows Genuine Advantage plug-in installation, You can Download here .
4. Then click Continue, see the validation info is "Genuine" atau "Bloked VLK" ?.

Kalau ternyata OS windows PC anda masih "Blocked VLK" sebaiknya update otomatis windows anda di non aktiv kan karena jika di paksakan untuk update akan muncul tampilan WGAnya kalau gak genuine, dan akan muncul tulisan "You Maybe a Victim of Software Counterfeiting". Nah, apabila anda ingin merubah OS windows menjadi Genuine/Asli, silahkan kunjungi Cara Merubah Win  XP SP1/2, SP3, Bajakan menjadi Asli/Genuine Original. Terima Kasih.


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