22 January 2011

3D Car Design First Use Autodesk

EcoLogic KOR use Digital Prototyping software solutions for designing and creating the first automobile prototype car body using the printer three-dimensional (3D). KOR EcoLogic is a car that uses fuel Urbee to 200 miles per gallon (MPG) and use the electric engine hybrid / gasoline.
"From the beginning, Urbee is designed to be as efficient as possible and use renewable energy," said Jim Cor (President and Chief Technology Officer for EcoLogic KOR).
Updates are brought into the concept to rendering. "Autodesk software helped us not only in making cars more efficient and sustainable, but also communicating our designs to a wider audience, including potential investors.

Clean Tech Support Partner Program enables Autodesk KOR EcoLogic to design and test Urbee using Autodesk, including Autodesk Inventor software, Autodesk Showcase and Autodesk Alias Design.
Urbee team uses Autodesk Inventor software to design a 3D digital prototype of the car body and can be simulated with wind and road conditions, testing different car body design to minimize drag and reduce the overall weight of the car by eliminating redundant parts.
More than 80 percent impact on the environment of a product can be determined at the design stage, making the inventors to be an important component in determining the level of environmental responsibility Urbee. KOR EcoLOgic using Autodesk Showcase visualization software to create photorealistic 3D renderings Urbee to be marketed to potential investors, partners, and the general public.
Urbee is a strong competitor Automotive X Prize 2010, which became a challenge for the team to design, build super-efficient vehicles and low-emissions that can be produced for the mass market.
Urbee electrical energy can be recharged using electricity otlet standards contained in the home, or through home solar panels, windmills or through conventional energy sources and only uses about 1 cent of energy per mile of travel.


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