Sexual health for men is very important, the most horrible thing was when a man has erectile dysfunction or impotence which makes it difficult to make an erection during intercourse. But there are tips and ways to be male fertile by avoiding the following practices.
Just so you know, difficulty getting children not just women who are the cause. A third problem is difficult pregnant spouse comes from a man who experienced fertility problems.
Infertility or infertility is the inability to become pregnant within 1 year after the routine associated with no contraception.
Problem of male fertility disorders include genetic factors, health conditions, infections, stress to the use of certain drugs.
As quoted from MSNHealth, Friday (11/26/2010) there are some things that can be done by a man to improve his chances of overcoming or avoiding infertility.
Tips for male fertility, at least there are 7 ways to make a man so fertile that is:
Say goodbye to tight clothes
Using a loose-fitting clothing or tight that not be possible for the testicles to breathe. This is because tight clothing can increase testicular temperature that can kill or reduce the ability of sperm in the egg.
Stay away from warm water bath
Warm bath or hot water can damage fertility by killing sperm that have been generated. But the doctor said is still safe to use the steam room (steam room).
Eating L-carnitine and acetyl-L-carnitine
Men with low sperm counts can try taking a dietary supplement containing L-carnitine and acetyl-L-carnitine. The content of this played a role in the process of development, maturation and maintenance of sperm, so as to optimize the quantity and quality of sperm.
Stop using condoms
If you're undergoing a monogamous relationship and plan to have children, you should refrain from the use of condoms to increase these opportunities.
Do not overdo the sex
Excessive sex will not increase your chances of a couple to conceive, even if someone did have sex 4-5 times a day. This is because the number of sperm declined rapidly after ejaculation, and usually takes 48 hours to reach the level of pre-ejaculation.
Consuming antioxidants
Nutrients consumed can help grow healthy sperm. This is because high levels of free radicals that can cause infertility in some men, because free radicals can damage healthy cells, including sperm. Sperm does need to free radicals are making egg cells, but the numbers only slightly. If too much can damage the sperm cell membranes and DNA, and reduce the ability of sperm to fertilize. For that to smokers or men with high levels of free radicals, is expected to consume lots of antioxidants like beta carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E.
Little or no alcohol consumption
The study shows men who consume large amounts of alcohol may damage fertility. A heavy drinker is very likely end up with a damaged liver, which increases estrogen levels in the damaged liver can lead to disruption of sperm production.
Eat More Bananas Make Men Infertile
If men want to quickly have children or want to overcome fertility problems, try to eat bananas regularly. This is because bananas contain that can increase male fertility.
Quoted from Thestar, Wednesday (10/13/2010), a Singapore-based urological experts said that a man can increase his fertility by eating bananas regularly every 3 days. Banana who live abundantly in wet tropical climate with moist soil and heat it contains a lot of magnesium, vitamin A, B1, C, and protein that is needed men to enhance and stimulate the production of more sperm.
Substances contained in bananas is what is claimed could enhance keseburuan. The content of the amino acid L-arginine and L-carnitine may improve sperm production. But actually cereals, green vegetables, peas, zinc from meat is not fatty (tenderloin), and the sources of vitamin D from milk and salmon can also increase the number of sperm. But the researchers emphasized to the bananas because the fruit is considered the most easy to find in the tropics.
But in addition to sperm, testosterone also plays a role in increasing male fertility. Testosterone is often called male hormone is one of the main hormone responsible for muscle growth, libido (sexual health and mood), and for the organ as a whole and bone health.
However, increasing the number of sperm and testosterone are not only influenced by the nutrients from food. Unhealthy lifestyles also affect male fertility.
The doctors and sexology experts say that people should avoid drinking alcohol, smoking, stress, hot water shower and spend time to linger in the sauna to be able to keep kulaitas sperm and increase fertility.
Sex for Men Stay Healthy and Strong
Many men who want to increase energy and sexual desire in various ways, but few who care to health care for intimate organ. Whereas male sex organ health also plays an important role in public health. How to make male sex organs remain healthy and strong?
There are some vitamins and herbs that can be used to keep the male genital organs remain healthy and strong, among others:
1. Vitamin E
Vitamin E is an essential vitamin for maintaining healthy male genitals, especially those suffering from Peyronie disease, the condition characterized by a plaque or hard lump, that forms on the penis erectile tissues. Scar tissue or plaque on the abnormal penile tissue can cause pain when the penis erection or orgasm.
Although there is no cure for Peyronie disease, doctors usually recommend medication, injections or surgery to help relieve symptoms. Vitamin E also may help relieve symptoms.
2. Ginkgo Biloba
Gingko biloba has long been used as medicinal herb for treating circulatory disorders. For this reason, gingko biloba may help improve the health of the penis by increasing circulation to the organ. This is especially played a role in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
3. Vitamin C
Taking supplements of vitamin C or changing the diet to include more foods rich in vitamin C, can offer many benefits to sexual health. Vitamin C plays an important role in the body to grow and repair tissues throughout the body, including the penis.
The body needs vitamin C to help make collagen, the protein that makes skin and blood vessels, both are numerous in the sexual organs. For that, people who have sexual problems like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation or problem with sexual desire, vitamin C can help. also revealed that lack of vitamin C can cause the number of sperm becomes less, which in turn can contribute to infertility (infertility).
4. Ginseng
Ginseng plants that are often encountered in the form of tea plays a role in maintaining the health of the penis in several ways. According to the National Institutes of Health National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, ginseng can be used to increase stamina and treat erectile dysfunction.
Signs of a Healthy Semen Semen or cement for men is one thing that determines the sex life. In the semen or semen have millions of sperm that will determine the level of fertility. What kind of healthy semen?
For men experience erection and ejaculation are strong with a lot of semen is an enjoyable sex life. Indeed, some people are naturally gifted to produce semen in large numbers. The problem is that not all men produce semen that much because cement production is also strongly influenced by the way of life. But one is for sure, all men are able to increase production of semen is a lot to enjoy a strong ejaculation. One way to do a healthy living habits. As reported by and, Sunday (28/11/2010) no signs to see whether a man's semen into the normal category or not, namely:
1. Semen or semen of healthy usually white or gray, sometimes yellowish. If semen pink or red it means there is a serious problem you should ask your doctor because the sign contains blood which will be diagnosed with a doctor.
2. When ejaculation semen fluid to form a sticky like jelly. If too thin can cause fertility problems.
3. The average normal volume of semen produced at ejaculation is 2-5 ml (half to 1 tablespoon of the size of England). The volume of semen becomes problematic if less than 1.5 ml of the so-called hypospermia which makes a dry ejaculation. Meanwhile, if the amount of cement is more than 6 ml in constantly then the condition is called hyperspermia.
4. In each 1 ml of semen there should have 20 million sperm. Or at least the number of sperm for infertile men is 40 million sperm with 75 percent must live.
5. From the number of sperm that live before, then 25 percent should be able to swim rapidly toward the egg. And 30 percent had normal shaped perfect alias.
Normal number of sperm that is great for men's health because it can:
1. Improving the quality of sperm
2. Increase libido.
3. Produce healthy offspring lot.
4. Rejuvenate your body
5. Look youthful.
6. Gives energy and strength to the body.
7. Build immunity against disease.
So keep the volume of semen was normal and healthy by doing things like avoid smoking, alcohol consumption. Avoiding things that can trigger testis as hot as its frequency of wearing tight pants, too long sitting. Increasing circulation in the body by eating healthy and exercise.
The way for man more manly and more powerful erections
To overcome these problems, there are several ways you can do to get stronger erections and longer which is also against impotence, is as follows:
1. Eating Blackberry (berry fruits)
Dark-colored fruits such as blackberries, bilberries and elderberries contain a lot of anthocyanins, the antioxidant that can act as 'guarantor' of a strong erection.
The penis can become erect in part influenced by the availability of nitric oxide, a chemical that is contained in blood vessels. While many free radicals in the bloodstream, then nitric oxide can come down to the penis and erection affect one's ability.
With the entry of anthocyanin content in the body, then these antioxidants can attack free radicals before a reduction in levels of nitric oxide.
2. Stop smoking
Obviously, it is known that smoking can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, lung cancer and bladder cancer. Not only that, smoking also causes damage to the arteries which doubles the total risk of erectile dysfunction in men.
3. Immediately overcome stress
Stress is not only a psychological problem, but more than that, stress can be more dangerous. At the time of stress, the body releases epinephrine, which is the adrenaline that comes into the arteries, which can slowly cause hardening of blood vessels and thwart the occurrence of an erection.
4. Stop snoring
Do not you snore trivial, because of this sleep disorder can ruin your sex life. This is because during snoring, you are 'robbed' of oxygen requirements needed to make healthy body tissues.
Tissue in the penis is very sensitive tissue. So, snoring can affect the ability of male erection.
5. Eating dark-chocolate (dark chocolate)
Dark chocolate merupakan obat yang ampuh mengatasi disfungsi ereksi. Dark chocolate mengandung epicatechins dan flavonoid yang dapat memicu pelepasan bahan kimia dalam pembuluh darah atau endotelium, yang merupakan lapisan arteri. Dark chocolate dapat meningkatkan pelebaran pembuluh darah yang akhirnya dapat menguatkan ereksi.
6. Lower estrogen levels by reducing the weight
Estrogen is known as female sex hormones, but men also have estrogen levels that are normal in a not too high. When a man has a high estrogen levels, it obviously will affect the ability of his erection.
Men are more difficult to convert testosterone into estrogen, but to lose weight, men are able to get rid of excess estrogen and put his sex life back to 'track' which is true.
7. Acupuncture
According to research published in the International Journal of impotence Research shows that acupuncture can help treat erectile dysfunction caused by psychogenic, that is difficulty with the balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.
8. Strengthen muscles
Exercises that can strengthen pelvic floor muscles such as alias Kegel exercises to strengthen erection in men. Doing Kegel exercises every day for six months to restore sexual function to normal.
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