28 January 2011

Asus Eee PC 1015PW used up to 10 Hours

Despite the rush flushed tablet, the PC market remained faithful colored new computer product output. One of them is Asus with the release of the Asus Eee PC netbook 1015PW. Relying on the Intel Atom next generation cutting-edge, dual-core N550, Asus Eee PC 1015PW relied upon to penetrate the entry-level market.

As has been proven Acer Aspire One D255, N550 Atom based netbook performance is increased compared to previous generations. Electricity is consumed even more efficient. Moreover, Asus has the Super Hybrid Engine technology that can manage power consumption. Asus claims, this netbook can last up to 10 hours of usage.

Design Asus Eee PC 1015PW is equally interesting. There are three color choices: Purple Rain (purple), Gold Dust (gold), and Angel Skin (pink). Seashell Design Asus accompanied typical ergonomic keyboard, large touchpad, and LED-backlit screen bright nan add to the charm of this netbook. 

The Eee PC has a mass of 1.35 kg 1015PW just so that support portability. WiFi and Bluetooth 3.0 provides faster wireless connectivity, both for access to the network or external device.

For online purposes, Asus provides two default applications, namely the Asus Express Gate for quick access to check email and websites as well as Asus Access as a storage medium in the clouds to access data anywhere and interests of important data backups.

Interested in buying? Please redeem 1015PW Asus Eee PC priced at around U.S. $ 339 (without OS).

Eee PC specifications Seashell 1015PW:
- Intel ® Atom ™ N550 (1.5GHz, 1MB L2 Cache)
- No OS
- Intel ® Express Chipset NM10
- 1 GB DDR3 667 MHz
- 10.1 "WSVGA (1024x600) LED-Backlight Display
- Intel ® GMA 3150
- 6 cell Li Ionn 4400mAh Battery, Battery Life: 10.5 hours

Features: Seashell Series, Chiclet Keyboard, Multi-Touch touchpad, Integrated Web Camera, Express Gate, Super Hybrid Engine; Size 26.2 x 17.8 x 2.36-3.64 cm, Weight 1.25 kg Warranty 1 Year

Mark Zuckerberg Facebook accounts hijacked by hackers

Action hacking can happen to anyone, not indiscriminately. Even one as famous as Mark Zuckerberg, who was none other than the founder of Facebook, did not escape the taxable plow.

Page up Zuckerberg reportedly burglarized hackers, which causes a lot of people fooled. Hacker is meddling that lead users to post status to invest in the site made by the figure of Time's Man 2010. Here's the status that had posted these:

"Let the hacking begin: If Facebook needs money, instead of going to the banks, why does not Facebook let its users invest in up in a social way? Why not transform up into a 'social business' the way Nobel Prize winner.

Installation of such status seems related to the publication of value up to reach USD 50 billion because of investments by Goldman Sachs and a Russian company. Hacker Cup 2011 being the inclusion of allegedly closely associated with the annual hacker competition held by the up with the final later on March 11. The only clue left behind by the perpetrator is a link embedded in the status that leads to the Wikipedia page about the 'social business', as well as links to a photo competition entitled Hacker Cup above.
Reportedly, a total of more than 1,800 Facebook users have been fooled and clicking the 'like', before finally the Facebok care. There was no official statement from the company came out about how piracy incident that happened, obviously this is very embarrassing, especially for some people in who are assigned to operate the account Zuckerberg. It's possible one of them missed the boss up account data information thus allowing hackers enter.
Senior technology consultant at security firm Sophos, Graham Cluely said that Mark Zuckerberg on this incident should revisit the privacy settings and its security. It is unclear whether Zuckerberg careless with their password, or whether he was subject to phishing, or theft of data while sitting at Starbucks with the use of wireless networks that are not encrypted. Acts of piracy up 'big boss' is itself following a similar incident that befell the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy.

27 January 2011

How to Add Widget Blog's Archive Dropdown Menu

In this article we will discuss about how to add your blog archives, you would surely already know not what is the use of the Archives of the blog? who are beginners to this I will explain what is the use Archive blog, blog archives useful to store and organize our articles with a neat, so each of us doing the posts on the page then the article we will automatically be stored and stacked neatly in the blog archive, blog archive is stored is always up to many square and even up to 1 or 2 years in the future we can still see the articles we've posted blog 1 (one) year ago. How to add archives of this blog is very easy, so if you are interested to add your blog archive, please follow the tutorial steps below:

1. Login first to your blog account http://www.blogger.com.
2. Click Design
3. Select Page Elements
4. Then click Add a Gadget
5. A new page, scroll your mouse down and select Blog Archive
6. In the Configure Blog Archive as you wish you wrote the title and below it select Dropdown Menu, choose Monthly in the Frequency Archive and click Save. Lihat gambar:
7. Return to your Page Elements before, place the position of your blog archives neatly as you wish.

If you want to add in the template directly, click Edit HTML and find the code below then add its code Blog Archive:

<div id='sidebar-wrapper'>
 <b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar' preferred='yes'>

 <b:widget id='BlogArchive1' locked='false' title='Archives' type='BlogArchive'/>

May be useful for the bloggers who are beginners, if you want to change other style menus so you can return to the previous page elements then click the title of your blog archive and then select your preference.

26 January 2011

How to Remove "My Computer" in Your Computer PC

If you are a cybercafe owner who often suffer damage to the computer in your cafe because the system folder in "My Computer" to be deleted by users who are not responsible and makes you have to reinstall the computer. Many people think the DeepFreeze is the first solution to overcome this problem, but that was not enough to ensure that your computer secure and protected so well because a lot of threads in the forum which provides software and tutorial how to crack or hack deepfreeze with the easy, so I think you need protection support to protect your computer from your user delinquency. Here I will discuss tutorial how to disable or delete the "My Computer" located on your computer PC.

The step you have to do is:
1. Click Start
2. Click Run
3. Type Regedit in the Run box
4. Once the Registry Editor appears, then click klik HKey_Classes_Root \ CLSID
5. Find the value: 20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D 
     If trouble finding the value, type Ctrl + F and hold the input values and click Find Next
6. If you've found it, Delete the value was. Note: Before the value be deleted and you want to do other edits to the Registry Editor, make sure it is in the back up first.
7. Restart your computer and then try to see the results.

To show the "My Computer" back, you do command 1 - 4 then right click CLSID - new - key (input value that you previously backed up).

Hopefully this tutorial useful and help you in overcoming the problems that occurred during the time in your cafe, especially as the owner of the cafe which is always a headache facing a rogue user in your cafe. Thank You.

25 January 2011

Tutorial Disable & Enable Task Manager Win XP Pro,SP2, and SP3

When we browse or play games on sites like facebook and then suddenly your computer to be slow, not because we are a slow network connection, but is caused by a virus active in our system. Of course we feel curious about what a virus that makes us slow computer and want to see what programs are running on our computer, do so by opening the Task Manager on our computers, but when you press Ctrl + Alt + Del Task Manager it turns out we terdisable participate, then how do we get to re-enable the Task Manager? Please try the tutorial method below:

Hive: HKEY_CURRENT_USER Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System
Name: DisableTaskMgr
Value: 1 = Enable <= this button, that is DISABLE Task Manager
Value: 0 = Disable <= This button, which shouldn't Disable, but the Task Manager ENABLE

The steps above are available for most Windows 2000 and XP Pro, SP2, and SP3, but rather than take risks by changing the Registry Editor you, because as we indeed administrator can enable or disable Windows 2000 Pro or Windows XP Pro Task Manager by using the Group Policy Editor. This can be done to your own. Note: if you want to try to change the organization in Group Policy you, I do not think it would be. because after you otentikasikan to the domain, then the domain or OU Group Policy will restore the registry settings as before, but if you accidentally disabled the Task Manager and want to control it again, please follow the method below:

1. Click Start
2. Click Run
3. Enter gpedit.msc in the open box and click OK
4. In the Group Policy settings windows
    * Select User Configuration
    * Select Administrative Templates
    * Select System
    * Select Ctrl+Alt+Delete Option
    * Select Remove Task Manager
    * Double click Remove Task Manager 
    * Select Enable

Hopefully useful to you that the Task manager terdisable by the administrator of deliberate or accidental or caused by the presence of a rogue virus in your computer. Thank You.

mIRC old until newest version Download

Posted in Messaging And Chat

mIRC internet relay chat is a client with a complete feature for windows that can be used to communicate, share, work with others on IRC networks around the world, in a multi-user group meetings or personal discussion.

mIRC has a clean, practical interface that is to support and manage features such as buddy list, file transfer, multi-server connections, enkrips SSL, proxy support, UTF-8 display, customizable sounds, voiced messages, tray notifications, message archive and others.

mIRC also has a powerful scripting language that can be used both to automate mIRC and to create an application that has many functions from network communications to playing games.
mIRC has been developed for more than ten years and has been refurbished and updated constantly with new technology.

Download mIRC version below :
mIRC 7.17
mIRC 7.15
mIRC 7.14
mIRC 7.1
mIRC 6.35
mIRC 6.34
mIRC 6.33
mIRC 6.32
mIRC 6.31
mIRC 6.17
mIRC 6.16
mIRC 6.12
mIRC 6.11 
mIRC 6.3
mIRC 6.2
mIRC 6.1 
mIRC 6.03
mIRC 6.02
mIRC 6.01
mIRC 6.0
mIRC 3.2
mIRC 3.1
mIRC 2.5a
mIRC 2.4a
mIRC 2.1a
mIRC 3.7

How to Installing The Chat Box For Your Blog's

You would have to know the Chat Box is not it? if you don't know what the chat box, in session this time I will discuss how to make a Chat Box on your blog via shoutmix. for those who already know and think this article is stale, I'm sorry for this article was made for beginners / newbier in the world of bloggers. Chat Box Functionality of this is to make you closer to friends who visit your blog, via the chat box is you and friends can be fun chatting. All right then straight to the core of the problem we discussed.

The tutorial steps as below:
1. Login to your account at http://shoutmix.com, for those who don't have already an account please register first.

2. After you login, look at the column Display then continues to select  Style & Colors. See the picture below:
3. Next you choose the basic colors the Chat Box at Load from preset and edit the color as desired, click Preview to see his style Chat Box have you edit. when you finish editing the color and then click Save Setting. See the picture below:
4. If  the color was fit, click Settings in the sidebar continue to look for words Embed Codes (Customize size...) and then copy the script code below, then go back to your blog and click design, select Page Elements, Add a Gadget, and select HTML / JavaScript then paste the script code that you copied click OK.

24 January 2011

Tutorial How to set Modem Gateway Using nowsms

Again I gave the tutorial article for all my friends who want to send sms in large quantities, mobile phone, which you use is usually only able to send sms to a 10-12 numbers purpose while using NowSMS Gateway we can send sms  to multiple destination number by one click Submit only. How is his way of modem settings? immediately wrote we discuss below:

1. Plug in a USB modem that you have input into the PC Computer CDMA card, for type of modem that I use WCDMA 3G HSDPA WIRELESS MODEM
2. Install your modem drivers first. If the modem is already in the plug, but the SETUP does not appear automatically, let you see in My Computer and in the partition drive then there will emerge a new drive other than C and D. Then click the new drive and click SETUP.
3. Futhermore Download NowSMS Gateway software it here.
4. Extract the files .rar which we downloaded earlier, and also extract all files .rar contained within his folder Nowsms Gateway.
5. Then double click snsm28a.part1 dan next click Setup.exe
6. In the installation software will ask for Serial Numbers, select Install with a purchased serial number. See the picture below:

 7. Then came the question Do you already have this activation code? select Yes. See the picture below:

8. Furthermore, the contents of the requested serial number code, with generating the right code is the serial number in keygen.exe contained in the folder NowSMS Gateway earlier. copy the code from the Installation Reference Code and paste it into keygen.exe then click the Generate Activation Code. After you generate and copy the code that appears below the Activation Code and paste it into the installation before then click OK. See the picture below:

9. Completed the installation, then click the Start Menu - Programs - Nowsms - Now SMS Gateway, then the application will appear. See the picture below:

10. Click Add then select GSM Phone or Modem and click OK.
11. Next select WCDMA 3G Modem Port then click Test and Add Modem (Modem PIN in clear only) then appeared Modem Successfully Tested! See the picture below:

12. After that click on the Service then check the columns in the SMS Gateway Service and the MMSCService . Then the SMSC / MMSC status when "All Connection OK" please try browsing (Mozilla, IE, etc.) using the IP address of your computer PC with port 8800 (Example: http://192.168.xx.xx:8800). See the picture below:

If the media browser appeared as the last picture above, then you can send sms to multiple destination number without the limits prescribed by one click Submit only.