One chip of the chipset, the processors'Core Series' made by Intel found in a defective condition on Wednesday (02/02/2011). It is estimated that around 8 million chips in defective condition. Samsung asked for a discount. NEC to hold sales. Intel estimates that losses will reach 1 billion U.S. dollars. What actually happens with these Intel processors?
The chip, named 'Cougar Point' is one of the supported chipsets chips 'Sandy Bridge' (for the second generation of Intel Core processors), which was released to the market since January 9, 2011. It is estimated that around 500,000 units have been assembled systems that have been found defective design. Intel immediately arrested the next delivery and set up the process of retrieving items that had been circulated to be replaced.
Chuck Mulloy, Intel Corp. Communications Director, as reported by Wired states that the chip has actually been through the process of quality inspection. However, after Intel receives goods from the consumers about ten days ago, Intel began a re-test with a more intensive pressure-simulated that in normal use of the processor should be used for a period of more than three years.
Specifically, Mulloy said that the root of the error comes from the design of serial-ATA ports (SATA) chipsets his Sandy Bridge. "On the first day or two using a computer or laptop that uses the chip, you will not find a problem," Mulloy said.
"But, after 3 years have passed, we will find the degradation in circuit port 2 and 5. We will find the failure rate of about 5 to 20 percent of the chipset resebut for the past two or three years, and in our opinion, it is not acceptable," Mulloy added.
"This newly discovered after repeated testing, and so caught immediately decided to replace the chip,"said Mulloy. Intel as one of the largest processor manufacturer in the world are currently busy improving the 'cougar point', ie by adding a coating on any metal parts that are outside the chip.
Although relatively easy repair, it still took a month to repair chips manufactured finished true. Intel estimates that the new chip repair process to be completed by the end of February 2011, and a new production at full capacity in April 2011.
This is not the first time artificial intelligence chip found in the defective condition. Of course we still remember the year Intel suffered a loss up to 475 million U.S. dollars when it was discovered a bug in the Pentium IV FD in 1994. Figures are somewhat large considering the likelihood ratio of the product is defective when it can be said to be very small-about 1 in 9 billion chip. However, due to the slow response from Intel, it was bad news about Intel's products into the moon-monthly media and the public.
With more cepatpun response at this time, still have to pay expensive Intel chips over the withdrawal of Cougar Point. They estimate the losses will reach 1 billion U.S. dollars for the first quarter (after taking into account loss of revenue, cost of chip repair, and replacement costs).
This news quickly spread down to other manufacturers hardware. Samsung has asked for a discount to the Sandy Bridge Intel for the chipset that they receive according to Bloomberg. NEC probably will resist their plans to release four of their new PC products that happen to use the same chipset.
Acer and Lenovo also had to promote the hardware to be released in 2011, reportedly plans to use the same chipset-Sandy Bridge. But the new line of products that Sandy Bridge will support the latest Acer tablet PCs do not have disabilities, such as that delivered by Acer spokeswoman Kelly Odle.
The latest generation of laptops 'IdeaPad' and desktop 'IdeaCentre' output Lenovo, most likely using a chipset Sandy Bridge that had design flaws, such as presented by Ray Gorman (spokesperson for Lenovo) to Wired. sumber: Kompas.
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